Crown Jewels Heist


The Tower of London needs our Pettrailers! The following information is for your eyes only... We've received  notification that the crown jewels have been STOLEN! Those used for the Kings Coronation are, in fact, replicas! The thieves have been traced to the Bolton area and latest intelligence states that the crown jewels have been handed off to a local dealer duo, known as 'Herbel'. The limited description we have on the pair is that they are both blonde, approximately 1.5" tall and very hairy. Our specialist pettrailing teams are needed to track down this dastardly duo using hair samples recovered from [...]

Crown Jewels Heist2023-04-17T15:41:28+01:00

Bolton XL Trail


XL Trail: Bolton, Manchester ***CALLING ALL PETTRAILERS*** Endurance training for the adventurous among you! Not suitable for beginners. Helping build sniffing stamina and fitness for both dogs and handlers - each team completing ~1km trail sections. Fun and pure motivation for your dogs guaranteed. TASK: 6 teams, ~12km >12 hour old aged trail. Work together with your fellow pettrailer teams, each in turn completing a section of the trail until our missing dog is located. Trust your dog and enjoy the ride!! #scenttrailing #scent #trailing #trailingdogsuk #trailingdogs #dogtraininguk #mantrailing #mantrailinguk #mantrailingwales #mantrailingcheshire #mantrailingsomerset #mantrailingwiltshire #lostanimalsearch #searchdogsforlostdogs #lostdogtracking #tracking #scentwork #nosework #ukdogs [...]

Bolton XL Trail2022-04-30T16:50:42+01:00
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